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To anyone who has stumbled upon this small space of mine, forgive me any sins I have committed against you over the past year, in thought or feeling, willingly or unwillingly, in word or deed.


This past Sunday was Forgiveness Sunday in the Orthodox Church and the last service before the beginning of Great Lent on Monday. During the Forgiveness service the faithful, starting with the priest make a prostration before every member of the parish and ask for forgiveness for any offences committed over the past year. It’s during Forgiveness Sunday that we hear the prayer of St. Ephraim for the first time.

O Lord and Master of my life, a spirit of idleness, despondency, ambition, and idle talking give me not.

But rather a spirit of chastity, humble-mindedness, patience, and love bestow upon me Thy servant.

Yea, O Lord King, grant me to see my failings and not condemn my brother; for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As Orthodox Christians we are encouraged to enter into Great Lent with repentance and confession and Forgiveness Sunday sets us on the right path.

Great Lent is a time of renewed devotion: of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time of repentance, a real renewal of minds, hearts and deeds in conformity with Christ and his teachings. It is the time, most of all, of return to the great commandments of loving God and neighbors. In an effort to submit deeper into the spirit of great lent and remove distractions I will not be using the internet, nor the computer until after Pascha on April 12th. I wish you all a grace-filled Lent. Pray for me, a sinner.